Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Diagnosis Day

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit this website. I decided to start this blog right away to keep track of all the goings on with Alex's arthritis.  It is important with this illness to keep track of everything!  Appointments, symptoms, medications, treatments etc.  It's also nice to have a place to share all that is going on with you so that you can be informed as well as other parents who may be facing this for the first time too.  I have spent quite a bit of time online looking for information and have come up short.  There are many great websites out there like The Arthritis Foundation but sometimes it is nice to be able to connect with other parents out there going through the same thing.  Plus the type of arthritis she has is somewhat rare in children!

So lets get right to it. Alex was diagnosed today with Psoriatic Arthritis.  It all started back in May/June 2010 when she showed me her right hand.  She was concerned with the swelling in her knuckles.  We shrugged it off as nothing since there wasn't any pain.  We figured she had smacked her hand against something or maybe had too much salt in her diet.  A couple months later we were out shopping and she was trying on fun rings and realized that the size 8 ring would not even fit over her knuckles but was too large on her left hand.  Shocked by just how big her fingers had become I called the doctor immediately and made an appointment. 

At this appointment the doctor suggested she had either Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus and ordered a string of blood tests and an x-ray.  We were relieved a week later when the doctor personally called our home after office hours to tell us that everything was negative.  No sign of it in her blood tests and the x-ray looked fine.  She thought perhaps it was an allergic reaction of some sort.  But...just to be sure she referred us to Dr. Szer, a Pediatric Rheumatologist.

That brings us to today. After a brief run through of family history, medications and symptoms I said to the doctor "oh by the way, not sure if it means anything but my husband has Psoriasis". Without missing a bit she said "she has Psoriatic Arthritis and let me tell you why".

She spent a very long time explaining it all to us.  How it does not show up in blood work, how you can have the arthritis but not the psoriasis, how the fact that my husband and his mom suffer from psoriasis makes it a clean cut diagnosis.

The good and the bad.  The good news is there is treatment available.  The bad news is that it is going to be trial and error for a while until we find the right medication to treat her with.  The good news is that she is currently not in any pain or suffering from stiffness.  The bad news is that there is no cure for it and symptoms  could get worse over time.  There is the chance that this can go into "remission" where no symptoms will be present and other times there could be flare ups where she could be in a lot of pain.  It's an illness that controls you, you never know what the next day could be like.  The plan with treatment is to relieve symptoms and prevent too much permanent damage to the joints.

Our next steps:
At this point she is not on any medication. The doctor wants to do an MRI to check how the joints are doing.  This will help her determined how aggressive she will be with the treatment.
Apparently children with arthritis develop problems with their eyes...specifically swelling in the eyes.  Because of this she will be going to the eye doctor every three months from now on.  Her first appointment for this is Oct. 5th.
She will also be having her MRI on Oct. 4th.
Lastly she told us to plan on visiting her once a month for now. 
So it looks like many trips to the doctor and lots of $$$ in our future!

Aside from dealing with this she also needs to get her tonsils out.  The doctor wants to do it right away so that her new treatment won't interfere with it.  Poor baby!!

If you have made it this far....thank you!  Thank you for caring enough about Alex and our family to read this.  Please keep her in your prayers that she will get the best treatment and won't have too many problems in the future.  All of your love and support means so much to us!!  Please leave comments for her...she would love that!


  1. Hi Alex,

    So sorry to read about your diagnosis. I'm glad that you and your mom will keep a blog so we will know how you are doing. I will pray for you that it will be just a mild case and that it will go into remission! I will also pray for your doctors that they will have the wisdom to choose the best treatment methods. I'm looking forward to seeing you during the last week of September. Love,
    Aunt Anne

  2. Hi Miss Alex,

    I just read your story and I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I know you are a very strong young lady and your mom will make sure you get the best treatment possible. We will definitly be praying for you. Wow! tonsils out!! I never had that happen to me when I was your age. So make sure you request a lot of ice cream and jello during your recovery. We can make Drake come entertain you while you are recovering. That would be funny. See you tomorrow! Big Hugs!!!


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