Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010 Hello To New Beginnings!!

Happy New Year!  I know my last post was about how crummy last year was so I wanted to write about what I  am most looking forward to in 2011.  I am not one to make New Years Resolutions because honestly I never keep them. So this year I have come up with intentions.  I feel with a little faith and determination I will succeed. So here is my list of intentions for 2011.

1.  Be Thankful! We truly have so much to be thankful for.  We live in a beautiful city and state.  We both have great jobs that we love!  We are still happily married.  We love our kids!  We are blessed by a wonderful church that continues to strengthen our faith and teach our kids what it's all about!  My parents live close by and love us so much...and we love them too!!  Our kids go to great schools and have wonderful friends.  I have this blog to connect with other families out there!  I could go on forever!

2. Save Money! A few of our struggles this year were due to finances.  I vow to spend less this year than last.  To always use coupons!  To think twice about mindless purchases.  To work more and learn new things.  To sell what we no longer use or donate to those who really need it.  To make more meals at home.  And most importantly set a monthly budget and save save save!

3. Play More! This kinda goes along with #2.  Playing is free, its fun, its exercise, its relationship building, its skill learning and oh yeah fun!!!  One of my fondest memories growing up was sitting around my Aunt Anne's dining room table playing games.  We would stay up so late, just laughing, talking, bonding all while playing!  I hope to do more of that with my kids and friends and family.

 4. Strengthen My Faith I would love to join our small group bible study program at our church.  I also want to implement a family bible study.  We have done it here and there but when things get busy we let it slide.  If anyone has a program they follow I would love to know.

Well, I think that will do it.  What are your resolutions this year? Try setting intentions instead.  That way it is something you can truly work on all year!  If you have any good ones leave them in the comment section!

Happy New Year!!!  2011!!!

1 comment:

  1. These "intentions" are very will succeed in all your endeavors
    with love,
    Ed and Peggy


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